Backflow Prevention


Backflow prevention plumber

Backflow is water that flows backwards into pipes after it has been used. When water flows backwards, it can mix with potable drinking water, which poses the risk of carrying contaminants that are harmful to the health of residents and the general community.

All Plumbing & Leak Detection can provide appropriate advice to commercial property owners for preventing backflow, through the installation and regular testing of backflow prevention devices such as commercial valves. These devices stop contaminated water from flowing back into water pipes.

Who is responsible for registering backflow prevention devices?

It is legislation in Queensland that any property owner with an installed backflow prevention device ensures it is registered with their local council and that it is in working condition and compliant.

The device must be tested annually by a licenced backflow plumber and submitted to Mackay Regional Council’s device register.

Mackay Regional Council will issue a Backflow Testing Notice to property owners where the device is located, along with reminders.

All Plumbing & Leak Detection can provide annual testing and maintenance on backflow prevention devices to ensure everything is working correctly. This service involves checks, testing, reporting and completing repairs if required. If the device is not maintained, tested and reported annually, the owner of the premise may face penalties for non-compliance with the state legislation.

All Plumbing & Leak Detection are familiar with the processes of the local council in regard to backflow prevention and the relevant forms that are required to be submitted.

As licenced backflow prevention plumbers, we can ensure your devices are up to scratch and you are following appropriate legislation to keep your business operating like it should.

Why is backflow prevention maintenance necessary?

In Australia, we are fortunate to have access to clean water every day. Backflow prevention helps protect our water systems so that we can continue to enjoy clean water. Fitting, testing and maintaining backflow prevention devices is extremely important in order to maintain high standards of water quality.

There’s also strict legislation in place to keep drinking water safe from contaminants. Property owners with backflow prevention devices fitted are responsible for ensuring their equipment is compliant.

Don’t get caught out! The All Plumbing & Leak Detection team are ready to help.

For all your backflow prevention requirements, give the All Plumbing & Leak Detection team a call. We have specialised backflow prevention plumbers ready to assist you with your commercial plumbing needs.

Backflow prevention